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@mhoc/axios-digest-auth is a NodeJS library which implements HTTP digest authentication in a manner which should be familiar to any project which also uses Axios.

This library is not affiliated with the Axios project or its maintainers, other than its input/output data structures being identical to those Axios uses, and it relying on Axios.


$ npm i @mhoc/axios-digest-auth

Essential Usage

import AxiosDigestAuth from '@mhoc/axios-digest-auth';

const digestAuth = new AxiosDigestAuth({
  username: process.env.MY_DIGEST_USERNAME,
  password: process.env.MY_DIGEST_PASSWORD,

const MakeARequest = async () => {
  const response = await digestAuth.request({
    headers: { Accept: "application/json" },
    method: "GET",
    url: "",